1 Chaos Black undercoat.
2 Brush Codex Grey. (letting each step dry before going to the next)
3 Brush mix of Codex and White (fortress greyish mix).
4 Brush Skull White.
When brushing, its like dry brushing but I keep the brush just moist enough to avoid a chalky look.

5 Glaze upper half Codex Grey. (shoulders etc)
6 Glaze upper half Bubonic Brown.
(At this stage Desert Yellow would have been painted across the mid section of the warg and on his back or could have been painted before the Bubonic brown).
7 Glaze Lower half Scorched Brown.
8 Glaze face Codex Grey.

Finally the gums and tongue where glazed Scorched Brown and the teeth with Bleached Bone. A light dry brush of b.bone was also used across the top of his back. Badab Black was washed over his legs, under belly and chest.
Sometimes I paint extra dark or light spots where its needed such as the face or areas of fur to help define the features, dident here though.
There is just under an hour between taking the first picture of the warg and the last which includes drinking tea 'and smoking!', I dont know if its a quicker or slower process but it certainly feels a lot more easier and organic.
Great job on these wargs!
Hi mate. I'm just getting into lOTR and am going to be painting my wargs exactly like this. Great job. I'll let you know how they go.
cool, I hope they work out, I think I'd feel responsible if they didn't, crap instructions and all. Not that your skills are in doubt, your warhammer miniatures are consistent excellence to say the least. look forward to seeing them.
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